1. Product price mentioned are exclusive of Delivery Charges, but inclusive of Local Taxes and Transaction Fees.
2. Orders are accepted from deliveries only in Select Cities of India.
3. Lead Time for deliveries is 72 Hrs.
4. We deliver all 365 days of the year (including Sundays and Public Holidays)
5. We guarantee on date delivery but commit fix time for delivery.
6. All deliveries will be executed 24 HRS.
7. Delivery will not be redirected/ redelivered to any other address without extra charges. We will attempt delivery of the items only once. In case the delivery is not executed during the attempt, the customer shall still be charged for the order and no redelivery may be possible. Orders are considered to be executed in the below cases:
i. Recipient not available
ii. Delivery not done due to wrong address.
iii. Wrong phone or Cell or Extension number/ not working/ no reply or not connecting/ reachable and delivery is not done.
iv. Recipient refused the products.